Weekly Drawings
for gift cards for all those who registered during that week.
Drawing for a big prize at the end of each month
(if you did not win the weekly drawing you are still enrolled for the drawing at the end of the month).
- All portals required to meet new Federal HIPPA standards
- More powerful than old portal
- More user friendly than the old portal
- Able to upload documents/images!
- Able to easily message our office, request appointments and med refills, see growth charts, review office visits, download information for other providers and more!
- Self-register: go to https://patientportal.intelichart.com/
- Register at office visit: our staff will provide you with a PIN to register your child
- Register now! Use it now!
We are requiring all patients seen in the office
10/1/19 or after to register for the new portal